Minutes of a meeting of founders on the establishment of an LLC
Minutes of a meeting of founders on the establishment of an LLCMinutes of a meeting of founders on the establishment of an LLCMinutes of a meeting of founders on the establishment of an LLCMinutes of a meeting of founders on the establishment of an LLCMinutes of a meeting of founders on the establishment of an LLC
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Minutes of the meeting of founders on the establishment of the company are a mandatory document when applying to the tax service for state registration. The protocol encompasses a detailed account of the establishment of the LLC.The provided sample protocol is comprehensive, covering all the necessary sections stipulated by legislation. 1. Decision on the establishment of the Company. 2. Determination of the company name of the Company. 3. Determination of the location of the Company. 4. Approval of the Company's Articles of Association. 5. Determination of the authorized capital of the Company. 6. Approval of the nominal value and amount of shares of the Company's founders. 7. Appointment of the General Director of the Company. 8. Approval of the Company's seal design and appointment of the person responsible for execution and preparation of documents for registration of the Company's seal. 9. Appointment of the person responsible for execution and preparation of documents for registration of the Company with the authorized registering body and entering information about it into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. The template aligns with the requirements specified in Federal Law No. 14-FZ of February 8, 1998, "On Limited Liability Companies." To use our sample, please follow these steps: 1. Fill in the personal data of the founders. 2. Specify the name of the LLC to be created. 3. Specify the size of the authorized capital. 4. Specify other individual parameters of the company. Once completed, the document is ready for registration.
Legal FormLLC
Branch of LawCorporate, M&A
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Original languageRussian
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Протокол собрания учредителей о создании ООО_ru.docx
учреждение ООО
incorporation of company
ID: 312.61114
Created: 12.03.2025
Resolution of the sole founder on the establishment of an LLC
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