A template for a sponsorship agreement concluded between legal entities. This agreement is drawn up between the Sponsor and the Sponsored Person in order to provide sponsorship in the form of funds and provide advertising services. The document includes important sections:
The subject of the contract is the Sponsor's obligation to provide sponsorship, and the Sponsored Person's obligation to provide advertising services.
Sponsorship and settlement procedure - the conditions for providing financial assistance and the procedure for its payment.
The rights and obligations of the parties are the permitted actions and obligations of the Sponsor and the Sponsored Person.
Interaction - contact persons, establishing the order of communication and cooperation between the parties.
The responsibility of the parties is the conditions for bringing to responsibility for non-fulfillment of obligations.
Force majeure is an exemption from liability in case of force majeure.
Dispute resolution procedure - methods and procedure for resolving disagreements between the parties.
The term of the agreement is the period of validity of the agreement and the terms of its prolongation or termination.
The agreement details the interaction of the parties, financial obligations, and regulates the procedure for the provision of advertising services and the transfer of sponsorship