Application for consideration in the absence of a party
Application for consideration in the absence of a partyApplication for consideration in the absence of a partyApplication for consideration in the absence of a partyApplication for consideration in the absence of a partyApplication for consideration in the absence of a party
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A template for a petition for consideration of a case in the absence of a party, intended for filing with a court by a legal entity. This template helps a legal entity to simplistically declare the case without his participation and includes the following key sections: The introductory part contains information about the court, the defendant and the plaintiff, information about the court case and the judge. The main part is the petition itself with a request to consider the case in the absence of the applicant, as well as a reference to the relevant article of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. Appendices - a list of attached documents, such as a representative's power of attorney. Date of submission - signature and date of submission of the application, data of the representative by proxy. This template is structured in such a way as to meet all legal requirements and ensure the correctness of paperwork for the court
Branch of LawArbitration Proceedings
Legal PracticeDispute Resolution and Mediation
Legal RelationsAll
RelevanceApplicable now
Original languageRussian
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6731d0e85ccb537fae944510_Заявление о рассмотрении в отсутствие стороны.pdf
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ID: 1128.37208
Created: 28.11.2024
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