An interest-free loan agreement template designed for legally sound relationships between individuals and legal entities. This agreement regulates the transfer of funds from the lender to the borrower without interest accrual. The document includes the following key sections:
The subject of the agreement is the obligations of the lender to transfer the loan and the borrower to repay the amount in full.
The procedure for transfer and repayment of the loan - the terms and conditions of transfer and refund of funds, including the possibility of early repayment.
Guarantees and assurances - assurances of the parties about financial viability and legal capacity at the time of conclusion of the contract.
Confidentiality - keeping confidential information related to the performance of the contract.
Liability of the parties - measures of liability for violation of the terms of the agreement, including the possibility of early repayment of the loan.
Force majeure is an exemption from liability in the event of force majeure circumstances.
Dispute resolution procedure - mechanisms for pre-trial and judicial resolution of disputes arising from the contract.
The term of the agreement is the conditions for the entry into force, modification and termination of the agreement.
The agreement provides legal protection for the parties, establishes the procedure for interaction and dispute resolution, and also includes detailed details of the parties and signatures confirming agreement with the terms of the agreement