Objections to the execution of a court order
Objections to the execution of a court orderObjections to the execution of a court orderObjections to the execution of a court orderObjections to the execution of a court orderObjections to the execution of a court order
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A template for objections to the execution of a court order filed by individual entrepreneurs. This template is intended for use in cases where it is necessary to challenge a court order issued in civil proceedings. The document includes key sections: Information about the parties - information about the claimant and the debtor, including full name, OGRNIP, addresses and contacts. Case data - the case number and information about the court order, including the dates and amounts of penalties. Grounds for objections - the reasons for filing objections outside the prescribed period with the attachment of supporting documents. A petition is a request to cancel a court order and restore the deadline for filing objections. The template regulates the procedure for filing objections to court orders, including information about the parties, grounds for cancellation and restoration of procedural deadlines, supporting the protection of the debtor's interests in the judicial process
Branch of LawArbitration Proceedings
Legal PracticeDispute Resolution and Mediation
Legal RelationsAll
RelevanceApplicable now
Original languageRussian
Translation languageNo
6731f91bdda70fcfa0d3fba2_Возражения на вынесение судебного приказа.pdf
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ID: 1128.24525
Created: 28.11.2024
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