A power of attorney issued by an individual entrepreneur (hereinafter referred to as the Principal) to a representative (hereinafter referred to as the Representative) to perform legally significant actions on behalf of the Principal. The main provisions of the document:
1. Representation of the interests of the Principal in courts of all instances, including arbitration, magistrates, courts of general jurisdiction and arbitration courts.
2. Signing and presentation of statements of claim, responses to claims, conclusion of amicable agreements and other court documents.
3. Appeal of judicial acts in the appellate, cassation and supervisory instances.
4. Representation in bankruptcy and administrative offenses cases, including drafting protocols, appealing decisions and participating in procedures.
5. Concluding transactions, negotiating, receiving documents, postal and telegraphic correspondence, as well as making all necessary mandatory payments and other legal actions.
6. Settlement of transactions, receipt of funds and other tangible assets.