Application for familiarization with the case materials online or in person
Application for familiarization with the case materials online or in personApplication for familiarization with the case materials online or in personApplication for familiarization with the case materials online or in personApplication for familiarization with the case materials online or in personApplication for familiarization with the case materials online or in person
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About this item
The template of the petition for familiarization with the case materials in electronic form. The document is intended for use when submitting a petition to the arbitration courts of the Russian Federation. The template includes the basic elements necessary for submitting such documents and contains the following sections: Introduction - indication of the addressee (court) and data of the applicant (defendant), including TIN, OGRN, address, phone and e-mail. Case data - information about the plaintiff and the case, including the case number, the name of the judge and the subject of the dispute. The application is the text of the petition requesting access to the case materials in electronic form through the IP “My Arbitrator”. The signature of the representative is the place for the signature of the representative of the legal entity and the date of filing the application. The document template contributes to the correct drafting of the petition, providing clarity and completeness of information, which in turn speeds up the process of consideration by the court
Branch of LawArbitration Proceedings
Legal PracticeDispute Resolution and Mediation
Legal RelationsAll
RelevanceApplicable now
Original languageRussian
Translation languageNo
66f3d31691f857c2677dc885_Ходатайство об ознакомлении с материалами дела онлайн или очно.pdf
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ID: 112.11162
Created: 02.11.2024
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