Petition for the collection of evidence
Petition for the collection of evidencePetition for the collection of evidencePetition for the collection of evidencePetition for the collection of evidencePetition for the collection of evidence
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The template of the petition for the reclamation of evidence in the case can be used by legal entities in the course of court proceedings. This document is formed in order to assist the court in obtaining the necessary evidence for an objective examination of the circumstances of the case. The template includes the following basic elements: Introduction - information about the court, the defendant and the plaintiff, the details of the case and the judge. The essence of the petition is an indication of the need for the court's assistance in requesting evidence for a comprehensive study of the case. Justification is a description of the evidence, the circumstances of the case that they confirm, and the reasons for the inability to obtain them independently. The legal basis is a reference to Article 57 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, substantiating the requirements of the petition. The requirement is a clear description of the requested actions, for example, requesting specific evidence from a third party within a specified period. At the end of the document, appendices are indicated, such as a representative's power of attorney, indicating all necessary details. The application is completed with the signature of the representative of the legal entity and the date of submission. The template helps to formalize the process of interaction with the court and facilitates compliance with all legal norms when requesting evidence
Branch of LawArbitration Proceedings
Legal PracticeDispute Resolution and Mediation
Legal RelationsAll
RelevanceApplicable now
Original languageRussian
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ID: 112.11602
Created: 02.11.2024
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