Order template no. [Order number] concerning the convening and holding of a general meeting of participants in a limited liability company. The document is intended for use by the heads of legal entities planning to organize and hold a meeting of participants in the form of absentee voting.
The order includes key sections:
The decision to convene a meeting is an order to hold a regular meeting of the Company's participants.
The form of the event is an indication of absentee voting and an e-mail address for sending completed ballots.
The deadline for accepting ballots is the deadline by which completed ballots are accepted.
The agenda is the definition of issues that will be considered at the meeting.
Notification of participants - the procedure and deadline for notifying the Company's participants of the meeting.
List of information - a list of materials that will be provided to participants for review before the meeting.
The procedure for familiarization is the conditions and place of providing information to participants before the meeting.
The order regulates the procedure for convening a meeting, voting procedures, notifying participants and familiarizing them with the necessary materials