Claim for the return of the goods
Claim for the return of the goodsClaim for the return of the goodsClaim for the return of the goodsClaim for the return of the goodsClaim for the return of the goods
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A claim template for defective or late-delivered goods drawn up between legal entities. This document is intended for use in case of disputes over the quality or delivery time of the goods. It includes the following key sections: 1. Seller - full details of the seller, including the name of the organization, INN, OGRN, address, phone and e-mail. 2. Buyer - full details of the buyer, including name, INN, OGRN, legal address, phone and e-mail. 3. Claim - the date of purchase of the goods, the description of the goods (name, brand, quantity), the reasons for the claim (defective or late delivery), as well as the total cost of the disputed goods. 4. Statement - an indication of the need to satisfy claims on a voluntary basis, a warning about possible court proceedings and a claim for damages and moral damage. The claim template provides clarity and structure of the document, regulates the order of interaction between the parties in the event of disputes, and provides a legal framework to protect the interests of the buyer
Branch of LawCivil
Legal PracticeDispute Resolution and Mediation
Legal RelationsAll
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Original languageRussian
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ID: 112.32588
Created: 02.11.2024
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