The claim of unjustified enrichment
The claim of unjustified enrichmentThe claim of unjustified enrichmentThe claim of unjustified enrichmentThe claim of unjustified enrichmentThe claim of unjustified enrichment
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The template of a pre-trial claim for unjustified enrichment will help to send a claim to the debtor demanding the return of unreasonably acquired property or its value. The document includes the most important sections: 1. Outgoing data - includes the number, date of the document and information about the debtor and creditor. 2. Factual circumstances - a description of the circumstances on the basis of which the claim for refund arose. 3. Legal grounds - references to Articles 453, 1102, 1104, 1105 and 395 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, substantiating the creditor's claims. 4. The amount of the claim is the amount of unjustified enrichment and accrued interest for the use of other people's funds. 5. Execution procedure - the deadline for the execution of the claim and a warning about a possible appeal to the court in case of ignoring the claim. 6. Signature and details - the details of the head of the creditor and his signature. This template helps to settle disputes before the court, minimize legal costs and speed up the process of returning property
Branch of LawCivil
Legal PracticeDispute Resolution and Mediation
Legal RelationsAll
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Original languageRussian
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666af6c4d04fe9fa2ede4be9_Претензия о неосновательном обогащении.pdf
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ID: 112.35121
Created: 02.11.2024
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