The consent template for the processing of biometric personal data is intended for use when a legal entity or an individual (Operator) processes the biometric data of another individual (Personal Data Subject) to ensure security and authentication. The document includes key sections:
1. The purpose of processing biometric personal data is the basis for data processing and the legal norms governing this activity.
2. The list of personal data transferred is a list of specific data that will be transmitted and processed by the Operator.
3. Operator's actions with personal data - a description of the operations that the Operator can perform with personal data, including collection, systematization, storage and destruction.
4. Rights of the personal data subject - the rights of the Subject to access, change and revoke consent to the processing of their data.
5. The term of validity of the consent and its withdrawal - the conditions of validity of the consent and the procedure for its withdrawal.
6. Personal Data Processing Policy - instructions for familiarization with the general personal data processing policy of the Operator.
The document regulates the procedure and purposes of processing biometric personal data, the rights and obligations of the Operator and the Subject of personal data, and also contains provisions on data protection, their storage and the procedure for resolving issues related to the processing of personal data