The template of an employment contract concluded between an employer and an employee is designed to formalize an employment relationship taking into account the requirements of Russian legislation.
The document includes key sections:
1. The subject of the contract is the employee's performance of the labor function and the employer's obligation to pay.
2. The content of the labor function is a description of the position, duties of the employee and the place of work.
3. The term of the contract is the date of commencement of work, the conditions of the probation period and the possibility of its extension.
4. Remuneration - the amount of salary, terms and procedure of payments, conditions of social insurance.
5. Working hours and rest - work schedule, working hours and weekends, conditions for granting vacations.
6. Working conditions - provision of equipment and tools, creation of safe working conditions.
7. Rights and obligations of the parties - personal obligations of the employee and the employer, compliance with internal labor regulations.
8. Modification and termination of the contract - procedures for changing working conditions and terminating the contract.
9. Other conditions - legal regulation, dispute settlement procedure, number of copies of the agreement.
The contract regulates labor relations, establishes the basic rights and obligations of the parties, the procedure and terms of payment, as well as the rules of internal labor regulations