Supplementary agreement to the employment contract
Supplementary agreement to the employment contractSupplementary agreement to the employment contractSupplementary agreement to the employment contractSupplementary agreement to the employment contractSupplementary agreement to the employment contract
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A template for an additional agreement to an employment contract concluded between an Employer and an Employee. This template is intended for the official registration of changes in the terms of an employment contract. The document includes key sections: 1. Terms of entry into force - the date of commencement of the changes prescribed in the agreement. 2. Preservation of the remaining terms of the employment contract - clarification that the remaining terms remain unchanged. 3. Document design - the number of copies and their legal force. 4. Signatures of the parties - confirmation of the agreement by the signature of the Employer and Employee, indication of their data. The supplementary agreement regulates changes in the employment contract and ensures their official registration.
Branch of LawEmployment and Migration
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Original languageRussian
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666afe1ca468e91500817b19_Дополнительное соглашение к трудовому договору.pdf
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ID: 112.07515
Created: 02.11.2024
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