The student agreement template is designed to regulate the relationship between an Employer and an Employee in the process of additional professional education of the latter. The Agreement includes key sections:
1. The subject of the contract is the obligation of the Employer to send the Employee for training and pay for it, and the Employee to undergo training and submit a qualification document.
2. Employee's rights and obligations - a list of rights, such as the requirement to create conditions for training, and responsibilities, including training and discipline.
3. Rights and obligations of the Employer - the rights of the Employer, including monitoring the academic performance of the Employee, and responsibilities, for example, providing training opportunities and paying scholarships.
4. Payment of an apprenticeship - the terms of payment for training by the Employer and payment of wages and scholarships to the Employee.
5. The term of the student agreement is the period of validity of the agreement and the conditions for its extension.
6. Amendment and termination of the student agreement - the procedure for making changes and the terms of termination of the agreement.
7. Final provisions - the procedure for dispute settlement and the number of copies of the agreement.
The Agreement regulates all aspects of the parties' interaction in the apprenticeship process, from payment and training conditions to the duties and rights of the Employee and the Employer, providing clarity and legal protection for both parties