An order for the creation of a work
An order for the creation of a workAn order for the creation of a workAn order for the creation of a workAn order for the creation of a workAn order for the creation of a work
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The contract template is concluded between the author and the customer to create the work. This template provides the regulation of the execution of work on the writing of a work, the transfer of exclusive rights and the payment of remuneration. 1. The parties to the agreement are the Author (an individual) and the Customer (a legal entity). 2. The subject of the contract is the creation and transfer of exclusive rights to the work. 3. The form of the work - describes the method of transferring the work to the Customer. 4. Deadlines - specify the date by which the work must be created and transferred to the Customer. 5. Remuneration - determining the amount of remuneration to the author for the creation and transfer of rights to the work, as well as the payment procedure. 6. Signatures of the parties - the agreement is drawn up in two copies with the signature of both parties. The document includes the main provisions ensuring the legal purity of the transaction, as well as the procedure for interaction between the author and the customer, the rights and obligations of the parties and the terms of payment for the work
Branch of LawIntellectual Property
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Original languageRussian
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666aeb5ea3cbf7d0cbc71532_Заказ на создание произведения.pdf
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ID: 112.11285
Created: 02.11.2024
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