The assignment agreement is tripartite
The assignment agreement is tripartiteThe assignment agreement is tripartiteThe assignment agreement is tripartiteThe assignment agreement is tripartiteThe assignment agreement is tripartite
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A template for a cession agreement concluded between legal entities. The assignment agreement assumes assignment by the Assignor of its claims to the Debtor in favor of the Assignee. The document includes key sections: 1. The parties to the contract - detailed information about the Assignor, Assignee and Debtor, including their details. 2. The subject of the contract is the assignment of the Assignor's claims to the Debtor on agreed terms. 3. Transfer of rights - the moment from which the Assignor's claim under the contract is transferred to the Assignee. 4. Documents and information - the Assignor is obliged to hand over all documents confirming the claim and provide all important information. 5. Reimbursement of claims - the amount of the Assignor's claims against the Debtor and confirmation of the debt by the reconciliation act. 6. Payment for assigned claims - the amount to be paid by the Assignee to the Assignor and the payment procedure. 7. Liability of the parties - obligations of the Assignor and the Assignee, including the Assignor's guarantee for non-fulfillment of the Debtor's claims. 8. Penalties - penalties for violation of the terms of payment and transfer of documents. 9. Confidentiality - conditions for restricting access to information in the agreement. 10. Dispute resolution procedure - consideration of disagreements in accordance with the procedure established by law. 11. Validity period - the date of entry into force of the agreement and its validity period until the full fulfillment of obligations. The agreement regulates the terms of assignment of claims, interaction of the parties, liability and dispute resolution procedures, providing legal protection to all parties to the transaction
Contract TypeOne time
Branch of LawCivil
Legal PracticeGeneral Business Support
Legal RelationsAll
RelevanceApplicable now
Original languageRussian
Translation languageNo
666b0a5deed3efa0aefa04fa_Договор цессии (трехсторонний).pdf
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ID: 112.11709
Created: 02.11.2024
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