A template for a service agreement concluded between legal entities. This agreement provides for the provision by the Contractor of a certain type of services to the Customer and defines the relationship between the parties. The document covers the following key sections:
1. The subject of the contract and the terms of the provision of services — the obligations of the Contractor to provide services and the Customer to pay for them, the dates of the beginning and end of the provision of services, as well as the total amount of the contract.
2. The rights and obligations of the Contractor — requirements for the quality of services, terms of provision of services, compliance standards, as well as rules for the provision of acts on the provision of services.
3. The rights and obligations of the Customer — the obligations of the Customer to transfer the necessary information and materials, the terms of payment for services, the procedure for actions in case of impossibility of fulfilling the contract and other obligations.
4. The procedure for payment of the Contractor's services — the rules for payment of services, terms and conditions of prepayment, distribution of expenses on bank commissions, as well as the conditions for refund in case of non-provision of services.
5. The procedure for dispute resolution, amendment and termination of the contract — the application of the legislation of the Russian Federation, amendment and addition of the contract, the terms of termination, as well as the procedure for the transfer of rights and obligations under the contract.
6. Other conditions — the entry into force of the agreement, the conditions for the extension of the agreement, the legal significance of the contractual documents and copies of the agreement, as well as the addresses and payment details of the parties.
The agreement regulates all the nuances of the provision of services, the interaction of the parties, the payment procedure, responsibility and dispute resolution procedures, which allows both parties to clearly understand their rights and obligations