A template for the purchase and sale of equipment intended for conclusion between legal entities. This document regulates the processes of transfer, payment and liability of the parties for the equipment. The main sections of the agreement include:
1. The subject of the contract is the details of the transfer of equipment from the Seller to the Buyer and the obligations of the parties.
2. Definitions - terms and their meanings used in the contract.
3. Price and payment procedure - conditions, terms and procedure for payment of the cost of equipment.
4. Transfer of property - the process and conditions for the transfer of equipment, the rights and obligations of the parties during acceptance.
5. Liability of the parties - liability measures in case of violation of the terms of the contract and the procedure for compensation of damages.
6. Force majeure - the conditions for exemption from liability in the event of emergency circumstances and the procedure for notification thereof.
7. Applicable law and dispute resolution - regulation of the issue of applicable law and dispute resolution procedure.
8. Procedure for modification and termination - the terms and procedure for making changes to the agreement and its termination.
The agreement includes appendices such as the specification of the property, the form of the transfer act and the payment schedule, which ensures full and clear regulation of all aspects of the transaction