The act of completion of the work (to the contract of the author's order)
The act of completion of the work (to the contract of the author's order)The act of completion of the work (to the contract of the author's order)The act of completion of the work (to the contract of the author's order)The act of completion of the work (to the contract of the author's order)The act of completion of the work (to the contract of the author's order)
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The template of the act of completion of the work is intended for use within the framework of the contract of the author's order and regulates the process of making changes to the work at the request of the customer. This document helps to formalize the interaction between the parties (the Author and the Customer) when finalizing the work and includes the following key sections: 1. Basic information - information about the number and date of the contract, the place and date of drawing up the act, as well as information about the parties (the author and the customer). 2. Tasks and deadlines for completion - a description of the changes that need to be made to the work, and an agreed deadline for their completion. 3. The cost of completion is the determination of the cost of work on the completion of the work. 4. Registration is the procedure for drawing up an act in two copies signed by both parties. The document guarantees the fulfillment of obligations to finalize the work, timely calculation of the cost and the order of interaction between the author and the customer, including their basic details and signatures
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668c07a1a25e7133bda126da_Акт о доработке произведения (к договору авторского заказа).pdf
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ID: 112.97248
Created: 02.11.2024
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