A template for a manicure and pedicure service agreement that establishes a relationship between an individual entrepreneur (IE) and a legal entity. The document includes the following main sections:
1. The subject of the contract is a description of manicure and pedicure services, the procedure for their provision and payment.
2. Rights and obligations of the Contractor - obligations to organize consultations, inform the Customer, ensure the quality and safety of services.
3. Rights and obligations of the Customer - obligations to provide the necessary information, comply with the recommendations of the Contractor and pay for services.
4. The cost of services and the payment procedure - an indication of the price list, the payment procedure, and the issuance of checks.
5. Liability of the parties - the Contractor's property liability for improper provision of services, the procedure for compensation of losses.
6. Confidentiality - obligations of the parties not to disclose confidential information.
7. Final provisions - the procedure for entry into force of the agreement, the conditions for amendment and termination of the agreement, the procedure for dispute resolution.
The agreement details the procedures for the provision of manicure and pedicure services, the rights and obligations of the parties, the procedure for payment and liability, and also contains provisions on confidentiality and dispute resolution