The template of the act of acceptance and transfer of confectionery products concluded between an individual entrepreneur and a legal entity. This document is intended for registration within the framework of a contract for the manufacture of confectionery products, it includes the following main sections:
1. Place and date of drawing up the act – the exact place and date of registration of the document are indicated.
2. Participants – information about the Contractor (individual entrepreneur) and the Customer (legal entity), including their details and the Customer's representative.
3. The basis for drawing up the act is the mention of the contract for the manufacture of confectionery products, to which this act is being drawn up, with the number and date of the contract.
4. The list of manufactured confectionery products – a detailed description of each item, indicating the name, shape, color, quantity, weight and price.
5. Total cost – the total amount for all transferred items.
6. Quality claims – confirmation of the absence of claims on the part of the Customer to the quality of the delivered confectionery products.
7. Number of copies – an indication of the number of copies of the act and their legal force.
This act serves to officially confirm the transfer of manufactured confectionery products from the Contractor to the Customer, including all necessary legal details and the procedure for registration