The act of returning the premises used under the lease or lease agreement
The act of returning the premises used under the lease or lease agreementThe act of returning the premises used under the lease or lease agreementThe act of returning the premises used under the lease or lease agreementThe act of returning the premises used under the lease or lease agreementThe act of returning the premises used under the lease or lease agreement
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The act of returning the property under the lease agreement is intended for registration of the return of the rental object from the tenant to the landlord. The document confirms the transfer of the rental object and the condition in which it was returned. The key sections of the act include: 1. Identification of the parties - includes information about the personal data of the tenant and the landlord (full name, TIN, passport data, registration address). 2. Identification of the rental object - description of the main characteristics of the object, such as area, address and cadastral number. 3. Returned property - a list of property returned together with the rental object, indicating the names and quantities. 4. Security payment - information about the return of the security payment, if such was provided for in the lease agreement. 5. Returned keys - an indication of the number of returned keys from the rental object. 6. The status of claims is the consolidation of the fact that the parties do not have mutual claims. 7. Signatures of the parties - confirmation of the act by both parties, which makes the document legally significant. The act of returning the property regulates the procedure for returning the lease, confirming that both parties are satisfied with the condition of the returned object and mutual obligations
Branch of LawCivil
Legal PracticeReal Estate and Construction
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Original languageRussian
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668befa19818b1415a4eb02e_Акт возврата помещения, используемого по договору аренды или найма.pdf
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Created: 02.11.2024
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