The act of acceptance and transfer of a garage or parking space to the lease agreement
The act of acceptance and transfer of a garage or parking space to the lease agreementThe act of acceptance and transfer of a garage or parking space to the lease agreementThe act of acceptance and transfer of a garage or parking space to the lease agreementThe act of acceptance and transfer of a garage or parking space to the lease agreementThe act of acceptance and transfer of a garage or parking space to the lease agreement
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The act of acceptance and transfer of the garage to the garage lease agreement is drawn up between the landlord and the tenant to officially confirm the transfer of the garage to temporary possession and use. The Act includes the following key sections: 1. Details of the landlord and tenant - information about legal entities and their data. 2. The subject of the act is a description of the garage being transferred, its area and address. 3. Confirmation of ownership rights - information from the Unified State Register of Real Estate. 4. Technical specifications - a detailed description of the condition and equipment of the garage. 5. Purpose of the lease - the purpose of using the garage by the tenant. 6. Disadvantages of the garage - information about possible defects or shortcomings of the premises. 7. Communal infrastructure - listing of systems and communications named in the garage. 8. Transferred property - a list of property transferred together with the garage. 9. Number of keys - the number of keys transferred to the tenant. 10. Security payment - the amount of the security deposit made by the tenant. 11. Garage condition - assessment of the condition of the premises at the time of transfer. 12. Rental period - the end date of the lease and the return of the garage. 13. Claims of the parties - confirmation of the absence of mutual claims. 14. Copies of the act - the number of copies of the act and their distribution between the parties. This act regulates the process of transferring the garage from the landlord to the tenant and contains all the necessary information to record this fact, as well as the agreement of the parties regarding the condition and use of the garage
Branch of LawCivil
Legal PracticeReal Estate and Construction
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Original languageRussian
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668be62be8ead9b5515dfe80_Акт приема-передачи гаража или парковочного места к договору аренды.pdf
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Created: 02.11.2024
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