The residential lease agreement template is intended for conclusion between individuals and legal entities. The document includes the main sections:
1. The subject of the agreement is the obligations of the Landlord to transfer, and the Tenant to take temporary possession and use of the residential premises.
2. The amount of the fee and the payment procedure - the terms of the rent, compensation for utilities, terms and methods of payments.
3. Rights and obligations of the parties - obligations to maintain the condition of the rental object, pay for utilities, carry out repairs and relationships with neighbors.
4. Liability of the parties - the terms of liability for the shortcomings of the rental object, the procedure for compensation of losses and penalties for late fulfillment of obligations.
5. Early termination of the contract - the grounds and procedures for termination of the contract on the initiative of one of the parties.
6. Force majeure - exemption from liability in emergency circumstances.
7. Final provisions - the procedure for making changes to the contract and the methods of sending legally significant messages.
The agreement regulates the nuances of rent, payment, rights and obligations of the parties, and also contains provisions on liability and dispute resolution procedures