Collection of famous Latin expressions
Collection of famous Latin expressionsCollection of famous Latin expressionsCollection of famous Latin expressionsCollection of famous Latin expressionsCollection of famous Latin expressions
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The collection contains the most popular Latin phrases, which have become legal principles in a wide variety of modern jurisdictions. Amount of prases: 51 Each phrase has been translated from Latin into Russian and English. The meaning of each phrase is revealed separately. The material reflects the cultural connection with the historical roots of law and philosophy. Example: Phrase: Superficies solo cedit Author: Gaius Julius Caesar Russian translation: Cтроение следует за землёй Author: Гай Юлий Цезарь English translation: The structure follows the land Author: Gaius Julius Caesar Explanation in Russian: Принцип единства судьбы земельного участка и расположенного на нем недвижимого имущества подразумевает, что здания, строения или сооружения признаются составной частью земельного участка, а самостоятельное их отчуждение отдельно от земельного участка невозможно. Explanation in English: The principle of unity of legal faith of a land plot and the structures located on it implies that buildings, constructions, or erections are deemed as essential, and integral part of the land plot and cannot be disposed separately from the land plot.
JurisdictionAncient Rome
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Original languageRussian
Translation languageEnglish
Latin Legal Phrases.xlsx
Латинские крылатые выражения
latin legal phrases
ID: 414.84906
Created: 14.04.2024
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