Payment invoice (simplified)
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A template for the act of acceptance and transfer of services rendered, intended for use between legal entities. This document provides documentary evidence of the provision and acceptance of relevant services. The template of the acceptance certificate includes key sections: 1. Details of the contractor - contain the abbreviated name, address, phone number, bank details, TIN and CHECKPOINT of the contractor. 2. Customer's details - reflect the name, TIN, address and, if necessary, the customer's bank details. 3. Information about services - includes information about the account number, its date, other identification data, name of services, units of measurement, quantity, cost per unit and total cost of services. 4. The total cost of services is the total amount of the cost of services rendered. 5. Signatures of the parties - confirmation of both parties, including the position and full name of the head of the contractor. This template allows you to accurately and correctly record the fact of the provision and acceptance of services, providing clarity and transparency in the relationship between the parties, as well as provides a legal basis for possible dispute resolution
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666af9179afa39fe096d5775_Счет на оплату (упрощенный).pdf
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ID: 112.78141
Created: 02.11.2024
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