The monograph analyzes the main issues related to the nature of the pre-emptive right to purchase a share, the mechanism and terms of its implementation, as well as the scope of action. Based on comparative legal material, the author substantiates the constitutional concept of the mechanism of action of the pre-emptive right to purchase a share (shares) and on the basis of it offers solutions to some of the most common practical problems arising in this area. The work makes extensive use of both purely theoretical research and the latest Russian court practice on the problems of pre-emptive rights, so the monograph will be of interest both to researchers, undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as to judges and practicing lawyers.
Author: I.S. Chuprunov
Book volume: 410 p.
Book format: Unprotected PDF format (the book can be read using any PDF reading program).
Year of publication: 2023
Imprint: Chuprunov, Ivan Sergeevich. Preemptive right to buy a share (shares) : a monograph
[Electronic edition] / I. S. Chuprunov. - Moscow : M-Logos, 2023. - 410 с.
ISBN 978-5-6049872-2-3