QUESTIONS OF LAW AND FACT IN JUDICIARY PROCUREMENT: collection of articles for the 100th anniversary of the birth of Prof. K. I. Komissarov
QUESTIONS OF LAW AND FACT IN JUDICIARY PROCUREMENT: collection of articles for the 100th anniversary of the birth of Prof. K. I. KomissarovQUESTIONS OF LAW AND FACT IN JUDICIARY PROCUREMENT: collection of articles for the 100th anniversary of the birth of Prof. K. I. KomissarovQUESTIONS OF LAW AND FACT IN JUDICIARY PROCUREMENT: collection of articles for the 100th anniversary of the birth of Prof. K. I. KomissarovQUESTIONS OF LAW AND FACT IN JUDICIARY PROCUREMENT: collection of articles for the 100th anniversary of the birth of Prof. K. I. KomissarovQUESTIONS OF LAW AND FACT IN JUDICIARY PROCUREMENT: collection of articles for the 100th anniversary of the birth of Prof. K. I. Komissarov
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This publication is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Kuzma I. Komissarov, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of the RSFSR, the first Dean of the Judicial and Prosecutor's Faculty of the Sverdlovsk Law Institute, who worked for four decades at the Department of Civil Procedure of the SJI and the Ural State Law Academy, co-author and executive editor of one of the most famous Russian textbooks on civil procedure, which was used by many millions of Soviet and Russian lawyers. The purpose of this collection is to return to the legal scientific circle the ideas and style of Kuzma Ivanovich - ideas that have an interdisciplinary character, and a style that is in many ways unique - deep, but at the same time light, concise and even literary. We deliberately did not limit the authors neither by topics nor by format, and therefore on the pages of this book you can find both memoirs, and scientific reviews of creative heritage, and articles on issues that were the subject of the most intense scientific attention or represent a practical understanding of the extensive legal interests of Kuzma Ivanovich. In order to In order to preserve the author's style, the articles have been practically unedited and are published in the form in which they were presented. The publication is intended for students, graduate students, teachers of law schools and faculties, researchers, as well as all those interested in the science of procedural law. Editor-in-chief and compiler: S.A. Khalatov Book volume: 344 p. Book format: Unprotected PDF format (the book can be read using any PDF reading programs). Year of publication: 2023 Imprint: Questions of law and fact in legal proceedings : Collection of articles for the 100th anniversary of the birth of Prof. K. I. Komissarov / Compiled and edited by S. S. Khalatov. A. Khalatov. - Moscow : M-Logos, 2023. - 344 с. ISBN 978-5-6049872-1-6
Branch of LawCivil Proceedings
Legal PracticeDispute Resolution and Mediation
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Original languageRussian
Translation languageNo
ID: 916.95821
Created: 16.09.2024
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