LEASE Commentary to Articles 606-625 and 650-655 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Rev. ed. A.G. Karapetov
LEASE Commentary to Articles 606-625 and 650-655 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Rev. ed. A.G. KarapetovLEASE Commentary to Articles 606-625 and 650-655 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Rev. ed. A.G. KarapetovLEASE Commentary to Articles 606-625 and 650-655 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Rev. ed. A.G. KarapetovLEASE Commentary to Articles 606-625 and 650-655 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Rev. ed. A.G. KarapetovLEASE Commentary to Articles 606-625 and 650-655 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Rev. ed. A.G. Karapetov
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This commentary is written to help practicing lawyers, judges, scholars and students interested in civil law to orient themselves in problematic issues of application of the general provisions on lease contained in Chapter 34 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as provisions on lease of buildings or structures. The authors have set themselves the task of highlighting the maximum number of complex and ambiguous issues of interpretation and application of the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation enshrined in these articles, reflecting, if possible, all the accumulated practice of their application by the highest courts and, in some cases, suggesting optimal ways of solving the identified problems and conflicts. Editor-in-Chief Artem Georgievich Karapetov Author's team Anna Grigorievna Arkhipova, Roman Bevzenko Velichko Veronika Evgenyeva, Andrey Andrey Gromov, Sergey Gromov, Artem Georgievich Karapetov, Tatiana Sergeevna Krasnova, Andrey Anatolievich Pavlov, Evgeny Petrov, Andrey Olegovich Rybalov, Sayfullin Raul Islamovich, Mikhail Tserkovnikov. Year of publication 2023 Volume of the book 816 pp. Access The eBook is published in free access and can be downloaded and distributed free of charge and without any restrictions. Output data of the e-book Lease commentary on Articles 606-625 and 650-655 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation [Electronic Edition] Otv. ed. A. G. Karapetov. - Moscow M-Logos, 2023. - 816 с. (Comments on civil legislation #Glossa) ISBN 978-5-6049872-3-0 The e-book is published in free access with the support of a number of law firms and advocacy organizations - Alumni partners, law firm - Art de lex, law firm - Bartolius, law firm - KIAP, law firm - Monastyrsky, Zyuba, Stepanov & Partners, Law Firm - Nikolskaya Consulting, Moscow City Bar Association - Olevinsky, Buyukyan and Partners, law office - Orlova Ermolenko, law firm - Pepeliaev Group, law firm - Savelyev, Batanov & Partners, Law Firm - Seven Hills Legal, Law Firm - Sirota & Partners, law firm - Tomashevskaya & Partners, law firm - Exiora, law firm - Justina, law firm
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Original languageRussian
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ID: 916.94700
Created: 16.09.2024
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