A template for a cash loan agreement concluded between individuals and legal entities. This document is intended for registration of financial relations between the Lender and the Borrower. It includes the main sections:
The subject of the agreement is the obligation of the Lender to provide funds and the Borrower to return them with interest.
Loan transfer - conditions and procedure for transferring funds to the Borrower.
Loan interest - calculation of the interest rate and the procedure for their payment.
The procedure for repayment of the loan is the terms and conditions for repayment of the principal amount and interest.
Guarantees and assurances are the obligations of the parties to ensure that their statements correspond to reality.
Confidentiality is the protection of information provided under the contract.
The responsibility of the parties is sanctions for violation of the terms of the agreement.
Force majeure is an exemption from liability in case of force majeure.
Dispute resolution procedure is a procedure for settling disagreements arising under a contract.
The term of the agreement is the conditions for the entry into force, modification and termination of the agreement.
The agreement regulates in detail the rights and obligations of the parties, the terms of transfer and repayment of the loan, and also contains provisions on confidentiality and liability, ensuring the protection of the interests of each of the parties