Application for postponement, installment payment of the state fee
Application for postponement, installment payment of the state feeApplication for postponement, installment payment of the state feeApplication for postponement, installment payment of the state feeApplication for postponement, installment payment of the state feeApplication for postponement, installment payment of the state fee
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The template of the petition for deferral of payment of the state fee to be filed in court. The document is intended for use by legal entities acting as a recoverer in court. The petition includes the following key sections: Contact information: the name and legal details of the claimant who applies to the court are indicated, as well as information about the debtor — the other party in the case. Description of the situation: explains the reasons why the claimant cannot pay the state fee within the prescribed period, for example, a lack of funds in the accounts. Legal justification: references to articles of the Tax and Civil Procedure Codes of the Russian Federation, which give the right to delay or installment payment of state duty. Request: contains a request from the recoverer for a deferral of payment of state duty for a certain period, indicating the amount and the date until which the deferral is required. Appendices: All documents attached to the application, such as a power of attorney or other supporting documents, are listed. The template helps in the preparation of a legally justified petition supporting the claimant's right to temporary exemption from the payment obligation to the court
Branch of LawArbitration Proceedings
Legal PracticeDispute Resolution and Mediation
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Original languageRussian
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670f5bccf6a2a41df68173a2_Ходатайство об отсрочке, рассрочке уплаты госпошлины.pdf
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ID: 112.37467
Created: 02.11.2024
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